Friday, February 5, 2010

IF Feb 5, 2010 "muddy"

"muddy water, let stand, becomes clear" -Lao tzu. And while you let it stand, clouds drift by, schools of fish wiggle through your midriff and your foot goes to sleep. So while you're waiting for clarity in a given muddy puddle, it's a good idea to have room to breathe. And don't think too much about what might have made its home in the mud you stirred up.


  1. really unique. Like your spin on the prompt

  2. Thanks, guys. And hearing if it doesn't work for s'one also very welcome.

  3. I really like your illustration and the quote is wonderful.

  4. THe quote was the one originally sent out from P. Dullaghan for the I. F. Topic. Doesn't everyone get it sent them?


So glad you stopped by. I love to hear your thoughts. Drop me a line! Hurrah! Aino