Saturday, March 13, 2010

IF March 12, 2010 "subterranean"

From the quote: "The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises." - Sigmund Freud.
Eyes closed, unaware of doing so, we pluck thoughts in passing to contemplate and act on.


  1. Beautifully compelling images. I've always felt such an elemental pull to the water; I'm sure I've dreamed this.

  2. WOw! This is gorgeous! so much movement and so much to see. just fantastic.

  3. I'm not uneducated, but I don't remember that quote. I'm glad you did. This is a beautiful interpretation of it. Recently (and I think your art is better), I watched the movie "PONYO" with my daughter. Your illustration reminds me of that movie. Which is good in my opinion. I love the movie. Great great great work!

  4. Thanks all, comments much appreciated. The quote was sent with the word from IF, I can't take credit for remembering it. Their quotes are great, always send the mind wandering somewhere interesting. A


So glad you stopped by. I love to hear your thoughts. Drop me a line! Hurrah! Aino